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How To Set Up Our Treasure Hunt

Simple and quick to set up...

All our themed treasure hunt games include:

  • A treasure map
  • 6 rhyming clues cards
  • 6 treasure markers with stands
  • Instructions

Go to buy one of our treasure hunts.

What do you do?

It's really easy...set out the 6 treasure marker scenes around the house or garden using the treasure map as a guide and hide the next clue behind each scene.

See suggestions for hiding places if you're struggling!

If you are using the treasure hunt as a means for the children to fill their own party bags (see party bag gifts for ideas), hide treasure in a bowl behind each of the scenes with the next clue. If you are just having treasure at the END of the hunt then put it behind the last marker only - gold coins are a great prize if you're just doing this.

Read the first clue aloud to the children, show them the picture of what they are looking for and set them off to find the first treasure marker and the next clue. Carry on reading the clues until they get to the final marker.

Depending on how hard you hide the markers, the size of the venue and the ages of the children it can take 10-20 minutes.

For each theme the last marker is:

  • Pirate - Treasure Chest
  • Princess - Palace
  • Safari - Lions Head
  • Dinosaur - TRex

What age is it suitable for?

The ideal age for this treasure hunt is 3-8, but the clues and treats can be adapted to suit children of all ages and parents can read the clues out loud for younger children. Tiny tots can be engaged by pointing to the picture on each clue card, so they can enjoy looking out for treasure markers.

if you want to make things more difficult you can write you own clues too , we've left space on the reverse of the clue cards for you to do this, just cross out those provided with a black marker.

Give children additional clues by shouting ‘warmer/colder’ if necessary, until they find the treasure.

Now enjoy your treasure hunt!